Sunday, November 20, 2011

Just a Little Heads Up....

Dear Senior Stupid,

It's been a while since I've needed to write you but I just want to say that your days of saving money are soon coming to an end. It's not fair that I'm driving the boys ALL. THE. WAY to you in VA and then having to either bring them all the way back or meet you half way. It's also not fair for me to have to drive 3 hours away to the nearest airport to pick them up because you can't afford to fly with them, when I have already driven them all the way to you.

Also, I know you don't have the boys on your insurance which is a direct violation of our current support agreement. I have no problem with being the only one to cover them, but that was another reason the support was set so low.

So you know, I will be seeking out legal council to have the child support raised to what it should be legally. I'm tired of bending over backwards for you and your wife and getting nothing but grief and headaches in return. So No worries, I'm writing this before I call and talk to you, but since I'm pretty sure I know what the answer will be, I felt it best to get this written down. Hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season and we'll be seeing you soon!!


Your Children's Loving Mother