Sunday, September 18, 2011

Way To Go!!

Dear Senior Stupid,

Hi. It's me again. I guess it's safe to say that you won't be receiving Father of the Year this year! First you have your kids for almost 2 whole months and do nothing with them, other than take them to NC for a weekend to see their grandparents and to the firehouse once in a while to get them out of the house. Then you neglect to pay their child support once you return them and the new month kicks in. But this? This is the low of all lows.

I can see that you care so deeply for your kids, that the one kid you don't have on this day every year, you neglect to call to wish him a happy birthday. He didn't have the greatest day since we're between paychecks and I really thought I'd have gotten some least TWO payments by now mind you...from you for child support so I paid bills and bought groceries instead of setting some aside for a present. Now maybe if I'd received some of the $425 that you owe me for the month, I could have used that for groceries and bills since it is child support and it is supposed to be used to help support the children. Of course you've proven time and time again that you have NO idea what that means. You don't even pay your child support!!

Oh yeah. You forgot about that didn't you. Nope. You have no responsibilities. What. So. Ever. When it comes to these boys who despite your shortcomings, still love and adore you. Back to the subject at hand here your BOSS pays your child support. Not you. Well technically it's his wife but still. It's. Not. You. They add up your hours take out your taxes, ins....which you fail to have your kids on by the way...and then they take out your child support. She is the one who takes it from your paycheck and sends it to the VA DCSE office in Richmond. Then they credit our case and put it in my account. You are totally free of ALL responsibility. You don't pay the support. You don't have them on your ins policy...even though per our agreement you are supposed to.

But again, I digress. So it's bad enough that you're not paying your support and it's bad enough I couldn't afford to buy him a present but for you to totally ignore him the way you did today....WOW. I did the best I could with what I had to work with. I couldn't afford to let him pick out a fancy store made cake but I did let him pick out his birthday cake. He got to help me mix it all together and then after I put the lettering on for him, he decorated it. All. By. Himself. He had fun doing at least that. While I didn't have money or presents to offer him, I did have my time. And I made the most out of that time with him and loved every minute of it. Oh and since my mom sent his b-day card to MY house, he got his $10 b-day check which he is eager to spend.

By the way....where's Thing 1's check? You know, the one I called you about BEFORE we met in SC to exchange the boys? The one that you didn't bring with you because you were going to deposit it into his account that you opened for him? The one that you still have not cashed? Ring any bells? I'm guessing that since you never put it into his account that the other money he got...$40 in cash...for his birthday never made it into the account either. Am I right? Of course I'm right because you probably needed cigarette money. Or your wife needed her wine. Either way he still doesn't have it and is NOT happy. And yes, he know that you still have it too.

So I'm sorry that you don't get to, nor will you ever get least until he graduates, spend his birthday with him but you know what? Keep treating him this way and you might not ever spend it with him. Your call. Consider this your fair warning.


Your children's loving mother

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