Thursday, September 22, 2011


Well I have to say, I was surprised to find a payment from you this morning. Of course it's only just been posted on the website so I won't actually get it until tomorrow but nonetheless, a payment has been made. I would thank you, but seeing as how you've received 3...not one, not two but THREE...paychecks and I've only received one CS payment, a "thank you" is hardly in order. Maybe if it was a 3rd payment. So now I have something to put towards buying our children some church clothes. Of course it would have been nice to do this before Saturday as Thing 1 has a trip to the Temple and wants to look his best, but alas, maybe next time. At this rate, I might have enough to get them the nice suits they long for...and really deserve as Thanksgiving.

Moving on, I've noticed that you have accepted Thing 2's friend request on FB but that you have not bothered to write on his wall or message him or ANYTHING. Oh well. He could care less....for now. He's got Daniel Radcliffe, A.K.A. Harry Potter, as his friend. To him, that's the BEST thing since sliced bread. So it would appear that you are off the hook for now but don't worry, it WILL come back to bite you.


Your children's loving mother

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